Diets Don't Work


Some of you have reached out and asked me for tips on how to eat healthier. I know it can seem overwhelming if you feel like you have tried diets before and cannot stay on track. Diets don’t work. I mean, they can work temporarily. But inevitably you are going to fall off the wagon and all the weight (and usually more) will come back. You have to make lifestyle changes that work and make sense. Here are bunch: COOK IN BULK

When you cook, definitely think of making enough so you can have several meals. What I usually do is on Sundays, I make several different meals or meal ingredients. I’ll make a large container of quinoa or rice (make sure it is not white rice). Plus, I’ll make a container of toasted slivered almonds. These ingredients can be easily added to any vegetable and that vegetable suddenly becomes a meal. I also make a casserole of lentils or black beans with rice or quinoa. I’ll make enough for at least six meals. If I notice I am getting close to the end of the week and a bunch isn’t getting eaten, I’ll portion it in dinner portion containers and freeze it. That way I have a healthy go-to meal whenever I want. I’m planning to add a bunch more recipes here on the website, but a friend/client recommended the OH SHE GLOWS books by Angela Liddon. These are easy and delicious vegan recipes. If you are not vegan or vegetarian, I recommend The Slim Nourish Glow series. They have vegan, vegetarian and healthy option which contain meats. 

KEEP A FOOD JOURNAL Write down everything you eat. This helps you not only be mindful about what you are eating, but it instantly makes you accountable. Because you may crave ice cream, but you may not want to write that in your food journal. Also, write if you notice anything is triggering you. For instance, are you craving junk foods when you are stressed or tired? It may sound weird, but you will find that you don’t want to write down something that you think you shouldn’t eat.  

CARRY HEALTHY SNACKS I always carry a small bag of almonds everywhere I go. That way, if I get hungry and know I won’t be eating anytime soon, I can have some almonds.  

COMPLETE YOUR MEAL WITH A BITE OF DARK CHOCOLATE This works so well for me. If I have a small bite of dark chocolate after a meal, it signals my stomach that I am done eating. If you choose to do this, make sure the cocoa % is at least 70%. I actually have 100%, but many people find that inedible. As high as you can tolerate and still consider it a treat, the better. 

BRUSH YOUR TEETH This may be another weird sounding one, but if you brush your teeth after you eat, you will be less likely to eat more. I always carry a toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere I go. It is good dental hygiene as well! 

DON’T HAVE JUNK FOOD IN YOUR HOME Go into your pantry and refrigerator and get rid of everything you think of as junk food. If you live with other people who want to eat it, try to keep it separate, so you won’t be tempted. If you have guests come over and you buy or make something you don’t want in the home when they leave, either throw it away or ask them if they want to take it. THROW FOOD AWAYIf you go out to eat and order a cheesy pasta, you do not have to finish it. When you feel satiated, stop eating and let the restaurant throw it away. It is better that it winds up in the garbage than becoming fat on your stomach, right?! 

STOP EATING WHEN YOU ARE SATIATED Try to never eat until you are stuffed. That is never a good idea. If you feel like “I cannot eat another bite” you just overate. This will likely be hard at first, but over time it will get easier. 

READ LABELS Check the labels of food before you buy it or put it in your body. If there are more than 5 ingredients, do not eat it. The recommended limit of sugar per day for women is 26 grams and 37 grams for men. The other ingredient to look out for in saturated fat. If it is in what you are about to eat, make sure it is as low as possible.  

DRINK WATER Try to drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before a meal. This will take up space in your stomach and you will eat less. 100%

HEALTHY DAYS I have been doing this one for years. I eat as a gluten-free vegan Monday - Friday. Then on the weekends, I allow myself some “fun food”. If 5 days is too intense, find the number that works for you and set your standard. It can be vegetarian, no sugar, no saturated fats, etc. 10%

FUN FOOD Permit yourself 10% fun food. So if in a week you eat 20 meals, 2 of them can be “fun food” meals. This is where you can eat what you want and not feel guilty. This is how I get to eat pizza, which I love! 

CUT OUT SUGAR Try to limit sugar as much as possible. Sugar goes directly to your belly fat unless you are exerting a lot of energy. If you are running a marathon and you eat sugar, you burn it right away. If you are sitting at your desk and eat a cookie, it is going right to your belly fat. Remember food is supposed to be fuel. Not a way to get through the day because you are stressed. You want to nourish your body with healthy nutrition rich food so you can feel and look your best. You will also be helping yourself against disease. Because the healthcare industry is making a boat load of money off of us becoming sick.

Let’s stay healthy!If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or reach out!


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