Live Out Loud
"If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."Emile Zola
In order to change, create, and live our FIERCE truth we have to be willing to experience rejection. Our fear of rejection is a real and serious drive, it goes all the way back to a time in our development and evolution when we needed the connection and support of the group in order to survive. Being an outcast because of illness or being unique or being different in any way may have resulted in death. Our need to belong has been passed down generations. No wonder we are still have the urge to fit in. Remember being a teenager!?As adults, we struggle with being accommodating and agreeable at the same time we strive to live life that is true to ourselves and in reflecting our FIERCE wants and desires. In order to do this and move away from people pleasing, we have to not only come to terms with rejection, but to welcome and embrace it. When we tell someone we really don’t want to go where they are suggesting, or say NO to a request, we have to be willing for people to make comments about how they don’t like our decisions. Ultimately, we have to be willing for them not to like us.This rejection does not have to result in suffering unless we make it mean something negative about ourselves. Often times if we get rejected from that job we really wanted, or someone we really wanted to date, we make it mean it as there is something wrong with US. This is where shame can set it. We then feel like we need to change to be more likable, or to get the job or the date. We are not being true to ourselves, and this can affect our self-confidence.What I want to offer to you, is to try not to take rejection personally. Instead, try to put it back on the person rejecting you. It is about them and what they want, their needs, and it is perfectly fine if you don’t fit into their specific box. It doesn’t mean something is wrong with you and that you have to change.This also doesn’t mean you have to be angry with them, stop talking to them, blame them, reject them back, gossip about them, or become someone you are not. It just means it wasn’t a good idea for you both together. Nothing more, nothing less.Having self-confidence means you have your own back always, even when someone says something negative about you or rejects you. The most famous artists, creators, innovators, have a lot of haters because they were willing to against the status quo. Madonna, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Oprah. They ALL have haters. So you are in REALLY good company. The alternative is to hide, stay in the cave, and live your life according to other people’s ideas about what is right for you. What's the point of that?! Live your truth and embrace the rejection, it can’t hurt you unless you let it. Have your own back my friends and stop rejecting yourself, life is so much more fun this way.
If you want support living your FIERCE life, please reach out to to set up your complimentary consultation session, your dream life is waiting.