Ease Self-Criticism
Today we are doing a meditation on self-compassion. We cause ourselves so much stress through non-stop self criticism, mistrusting ourselves and second guessing our choices and decisions. And not looking after our own needs enough. A little awareness and loving-kindness towards ourselves goes a long way.
Calming Your Inner Critic
A gentle meditation using mindfulness and self-compassion to manage self-criticism and develop a healthier, kinder relationship with yourself. Self-criticism is an unhelpful habit that can sometimes be destructive and cause emotional pain. This meditation helps you to see self-critical thought patterns as an expression of part of you that you may have once relied on but can let go of to promote growth, flexibility, and strength. Practicing mindfulness and self-compassion can loosen up old self-critical habits that may have been present from childhood and develop a kinder, more appreciative way of being with yourself.