
When you ask people want they desire or want, they often make a list of tangible items or experiences that cost money:

  • Car

  • Home

  • Vacation 

  • Jewelry 

  • Technology 

  • Furniture 

  • Clothing

So let's take a car, for example. Think of a car you would love to have if you could have anyone you want. Don't hold back, really think THE BEST car you can imagine for yourself. Got it? Okay. Now, think if you owned that car, how would you take care of it? Would you make sure it was somewhere safe when you weren't driving it? Make sure it was maintained, cleaned and insured to the hilt? Put THE BEST gasoline in it? Terrific! This is something that you value and really want. So, why would you treat yourself any differently? In fact, shouldn't you value yourself even more?Let's take a look at other people and living beings that people value

  • Children

  • Parents

  • Pets

  • Friends

Let's take the example of pets. If you want or have a dog that you love more than almost anything else in the world. Let's call her Lily. How do you care for Lily? Do you give her the best food you can afford? Do you make sure she gets the exercise she needs? Do you research for the best treatments if Lily gets sick and possibly rearrange your schedule to make sure to bring her to the RIGHT vet right away? So, why aren't you treating yourself as well as you treat your dog? Doesn't her life, happiness and well being depend on YOU being healthy mentally and physically?If you consider these purchases too expensive:

  • gym membership

  • exercise equipment

  • Fresh/Organic Vegetables

  • Nuts

  • Organic Humanely Treated Meats/Fish

...compared these purchases:

  • eating processed foods

  • going to happy hour

  • watching NetFlix

  • buying the latest Apple product

  • buying cigarettes

  • going out to eat and spending more money than cooking at home would cost

Why are you valuing the 2nd list more than the 1st list?I love buying pretty earrings. Ever since I was in high school, I love finding special and interesting earrings to collect. I have quite an extensive collection from all over the world and city. I can easily spend $100+ on a pair of Venetian glass earrings direct from Venice. It is a special indulgence that ranks very high on my list of pleasures.  I was recently considering attending private yoga sessions. The cost was $75 per session. That seemed expensive. But, what is going on here? The cost of each session of a fantastic yoga session is LESS than the cost of pretty earrings. Why is this decision not a "no brainer"?We have to think about what we are putting a value on and why. Having pretty earrings is something I value. They way wearing them makes me feel is something I enjoy. Why was taking care of myself something my brain considered a LUXURY and not as pleasurable, but the expensive earrings were something "I deserved".Lots of this is, of course, related to the consumer society we live in and how we are marketed to think of VALUE. But if we are not mentally and physically healthy, nothing that is marketed to us truly matters. I cannot enjoy experiences, vacations, socializing, luxury purchases, clothes, my family, my friends and my dogs as much, if I am not mentally and physically healthy. In fact, being unhealthy could lead to a disease or worse! Then I cannot enjoy anything at all!And when it really comes down to it, whose values ARE these? Are they internal or external? When we are born, our baby selves need food, shelter, love, touch, protection from harm and illness. Do we really need anything more as we age? Isn't it healthier to age primarily focusing on a healthy mind and body? Shouldn't we all consider taking care of ourselves as valuable as we would consider taking care of a baby in our care? Aren't you worth as much as the things you want?


"In Moderation"


Don't Think of a Purple Fox